API Reference


To access the Telinfy services you must have to login the Telinfy service using your username and password.

Telinfy WhatsApp Business account

What is a Telinfy business account? Telinfy WhatsApp business account is an unique identifier inside the platform to do operations on registered WhatsApp business accounts. All the WhatsApp operations inside the Telinfy platform are based on this business account. The API Key and webhook registration will be shared by the Telinfy support team as part of the onboarding process.

What is a webhook Call back URL?

A webhook Call back URL is the Telinfy API endpoint to receive notifications and message updates from the WhatsApp server. This URL needs to be set by using the Telinfy platform in order to receive messages into your Telinfy business account from WhatsApp.

What is a partner Webhook URL?

A partner Webhook URL is an option to connect a 3rd party end point into the Telinfy platform to receive message, status updates from Telinfy account to your service. Partner Webhook URL is a paid service. To know more about this refer cloud partner webhook documentation.

What is quick Reply Enabled?

Quick reply is a paid feature provided by the Telinfy platform to your WhatsApp Business account. This feature allows the user to predefine a reply text message. If you enable quick Reply in your account then whenever a customer sends you a message for the first time, the Telinfy logic auto replies to the phone number, which you define as the reply. quickReplyEnabled key represents if you have enabled quick reply into your account or not.

What is chatbot Enabled?

Chat Bot is another feature provided by the Telinfy platform to your account. If you enable the chatbot to your WhatsApp business account, then Telinfy chatbot logic will auto reply to your customer messages. chatbot Enabled keyword shows if you enabled chatbot in your Telinfy WhatsApp business account or not.

Phone Number Id

Some API calls listed require you to know your phone number’s ID. The API call response includes IDs for each of the phone numbers connected to your WhatsApp Business Account. Save the ID for the phone you want to use with any /PHONE_NUMBER_ID calls.

Template messaging

Telinfy allows you to send text, image, audio, video and document template message to a contact by using the following API.

What is callback data field?

While sending a conversation/direct message or template message, if the user sets a string value to the call back Data field(optional field), then, if the customer replies to that message by swiping it or by pressing a button, we will send back the content of the call back Data to the partner webhook along with the user's reply.